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Active Ideas for the Home

Active Homes: What You Can Do At Home
Did you know that 5-18 year olds need 60 minutes of physical activity every day?
80% are not meeting that requirement.

Here are some ‘Active Ideas’ for home:

1. Go for pre- or post-dinner walks
2. Turn up the music and boogie down!
3. Make a game out of household chores.
4. Walk to school together or if not possible, drive, park and walk part of the way.
5. Sneak workouts into other activities i.e. take the stairs instead of the escalator.
6. Turn TV ad breaks into fitness breaks.
7. Have a weekly sports night, where everyone in the family gets involved.
8. Let the kids help with work outdoors and with gardening – catch leaves, raking, sorting, digging, planting, etc.
9. Walk the dog.
10. Instead of a trip to the cinema, make use of free and low-cost physical activity options near your home.
11. Spend an afternoon at the playground.
12. Train together for a charity walk or run.
13. Exchange ‘screen time’ for active time.

And if you need a few more ideas, here are some fantastic websites to encourage even more physical activity at home. Just copy and paste the web addresses below into your browser. Have fun!





Local Sports Activities

Our Active School Committee conducted a survey find out how active our pupils are outside of school and we were amazed to learn of the wide range of physical activities that are our pupils are involved in and the extensive choice of activities available locally. Our children currently participate in such sporting activities as Gaelic football, camogie, hurling, soccer, horse-riding, martial arts, ballet, hip-hop, basketball, Irish dancing, swimming, rugby, badminton, karate, golf, yoga, athletics and gymnastics…the list is endless! If you would like your child to become involved in any of these activities or join one of the many sports clubs that exist in the locality, click on the link below to see the results of our pupil survey, which also provides some basic information about the providers and locations in which these activities take place.




Alternatively, for a full list of local clubs and organisations, along with contact details for the relevant providers and co-ordinators, visit the ‘Club Directory’ section of the Cavan Sports Partnership website
